
Our Latest News

IULTCS Young Leather Scientist Grant Programme 2023 Announced

The Executive Committee of the IULTCS is pleased to announce the 2023 grants to be awarded to three young scientists, under the age of 35, for research projects in the categories: Basic Leather Research, Machinery / Testing and Sustainability / Environment – to be...

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IULTCS Asks EU Legislators to Reconsider Proposed Restrictions

Members of IULTCS have collaborated with industry scientists from FILK, Stahl and TFL to prepare a document that was submitted to DG Grow (the European Commission Directorate-General department responsible for EU policy on the single market, industry, entrepreneurship...

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IULTCS Welcomes New Korean Members

The IULTCS is pleased to announce that two organisations from the Republic of Korea have joined the IULTCS family. Representing leather industry companies ‘Korea Tanners' Association’ has joined as an Associate Member and also leather producer Whanam Leather Ind Co...

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III IULTCS EuroCongress Scientific Programme Announced

The organising committee of the III IULTCS EuroCongress are pleased to announce that the scientific programme has been finalised and participants are now able to register to attend (closing date for registration 05 September 2022). The congress will be held in...

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