Leather Test Methods Commissions (IUC-IUF-IUP)
IUC-IUF-IUP Commissions
The IUC (Chemical Test Methods), IUF (Fastness Test Methods) and IUP (Physical Test Methods) are Commissions of the IULTCS that have the responsibility to prepare leather test methods as joint IULTCS and ISO Standards.
Under a special arrangement with ISO, the IULTCS is responsible for developing the leather test methods for publication as ISO Standards.
Following the Vienna Agreement, the IULTCS Commissions hold technical meetings together with the corresponding European CEN/TC 289 Working Groups to prepare new leather test methods and to revise the existing ones.
These Standards are approved in parallel at the international and European levels.The ISO IULTCS and CEN TC 289 committees and their officers are the following:
ISO IULTCS Leather test methods – ISO Committee manager – Giancarlo Lovato
IUC chemical test methods – Chairman Tiziana GambicortiCEN TC 289/WG1 – Chemical test methods on Leather – Convenor: Anne Minjaud – AFNOR
CEN TC 289/WG6 – Test methods for tannery chemicals -Convenor: Tiziana Gambicorti-UNI
IUP physical and mechanical test methods – Chairman: Gustavo Defeo
CEN TC 289/ WG2 – Physical test methods – Convenor: Gustavo Defeo – UNI
IUF fastness test methods – Chairman: Gustavo Defeo
CEN TC 289/ WG3 – Fastness test methods – Convenor: Gustavo Defeo – UNI
Those interested in participating in the development of leather test methods are encouraged to join
the regular online technical meetings.
Dr. Giancarlo Lovato