Members of IULTCS have collaborated with industry scientists from FILK, Stahl and TFL to prepare a document that was submitted to DG Grow (the European Commission Directorate-General department responsible for EU policy on the single market, industry, entrepreneurship and small businesses) and DG ENV (The Directorate-General for Environment department responsible for EU policy on the environment).
The purpose of preparing the document was to address proposed EU restrictions on the presence of Chrome VI and Bisphenols in leather. It is considered that the new proposed REACH restrictions could seriously impact the leather industry, particularly in the European Union.
The IULTCS document asks the EU for a proper assessment of the impact of these measures on the environment, people and leather manufacture. IULTCS President Jean-Pierre Gualino and Executive Secretary Dr Luis Zugno stated “Our call is for a more detailed study of data and testing methodology relating to Chrome VI and more time to implement the proposed Bisphenol restrictions”.