Leather Technology Training Materials

Leather technology self-study modules available to download

The loss of much tradition-based training in leather technology – such as the impending
closure of ICLT – is a matter of concern and can have serious effects that extend across
the global leather sector. Nevertheless, in line with the shift toward distance learning,
there are two existing and updated studies available (free of charge) to help address
these eventualities and minimise the impact of such closures.
The author of these studies is Richard Daniels who hast brought his vast wealth of
knowledge and experience from a lifetime working in the global leather industry together
and has spent many, many months creating these studies for the benefit of the industry.
The first is entitled “Leather: AN INTRODUCTION”, providing information for people who
need background information on the subject, or simply want a clear understanding for
general interest.
The second, entitled “Leather: AN OVERVIEW OF MANUFACTURE”, is a more advanced
study in 10-sections, and intended to support those who wish to become leather
These are designed for individual study and self-training, but they are also viewed within
formal education as supports at introductory and intermediate levels respectively.
Moreover, they are suited for reference purposes, and as part of distance learning
packages. As two complementary volumes, they comprise around 45,000 words,
enhanced with more than 450 images and industrial photographs. Using a format that
combines concise text with supporting images, these studies are designed for clear
This information is available for use, including in-house training, or dissemination by
any company or organisation which wishes to promote better leather-related
understanding. All of the content is available free of any charge.
Approved and reviewed by IULTCS, SLTC, ALCA, COTANCE and UNIDO, these
studies are now available for download via their respective web sites.