It is with great pleasure that IULTCS announces Dr Thirumalachari Ramasami has been chosen as the winner of the prestigious IULTCS Merit Award for Excellence in the Leather Industry. The IULTCS was founded for the purpose of encouraging the technology, chemistry and science of leather on a worldwide basis. It is therefore appropriate that we recognise the achievements of those of stature in our industry who have contributed significantly to our global understanding of the leather industry and its by-products. The IULTCS Merit Award is given biennially by the IULTCS Executive to an individual, whose past or current endeavours have had an extraordinary impact on our industry and provide an example for others to follow. Dr Ramasami fits this profile perfectly.
Dr T Ramasami is known for his significant contributions to the chemistry of chromium as a scientist and leadership to the Indian leather sector as a technologist and to science as a civil servant. Ramasami’s investigations focussed on mechanistic chemistry, industrial applications of chromium salts and ecological solutions to industrial environmental problems. Some of his major research contributions include demonstration of anomalous reactivity of chromium(III), stabilisation of unusual oxidation states of chromium, mechanistic insights into chromium induced apoptosis, understanding host guest interactions in biomolecular systems and development of technologies for improved tanning systems.
He developed a “Unified theory of tanning” by probing molecular level understanding of tanning systems. More than 12 technologies developed by his group are in commercial exploitation and several of them have been developed from first principles without international equivalents. He has guided more than 30 students for their doctoral research and authored more than 237 research publications, eight chapters in books, and numerous general articles. He holds more than 40 patents. In recognition of his contributions to leather research he was invited to deliver the John Arthur Wilson Memorial Lecture.
The Merit Award will be presented to Dr Ramasami once travel restrictions allow.
## End News Release ##
For editorial Information: Christine Anscombe
Dr Thirumalachari Ramasami, Former Secretary in the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India is currently Nayudamma-Abdul Wahid Chair Professor at the Anna University in Chennai. He served as Secretary to Government of India for about 8 years during 2006-14 and as Director, Central Leather Research Institute of CSIR during 1996-2006 and as member of ABEO in the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in The Hague during 2016-19.
Dr T Ramasami is known for his significant contributions to the chemistry of chromium as a scientist and leadership to the Indian leather sector as a technologist and to science as a civil servant. Ramasami’s investigations focussed on mechanistic chemistry, industrial applications of chromium salts and do ecology solutions to industrial environmental problems. Some of his major research contributions include demonstration of anomalous reactivity of chromium(III), stabilisation of unusual oxidation states of chromium, mechanistic insights into chromium induced apoptosis, understanding host guest interactions in biomolecular systems and development of technologies for improved tanning systems. He developed a “Unified theory of tanning” by probing molecular level understanding of tanning systems. More than 12 technologies developed by his group are in commercial exploitation and several of them have been developed from first principles without international equivalents. He has guided more than 30 students for their doctoral research and authored more than 237 research publications, eight chapters in books, and numerous general articles. He holds more than 40 patents. In recognition of his contributions to leather research he was invited to deliver the John Arthur Wilson Memorial Lecture.
During his leadership as Secretary to Govt. of India, Department of Science and Technology launched more than 74 new programmes and schemes including INSPIRE and PURSE. He has won more than 63 awards including Shanthi Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for chemical sciences in 1993, National civilian honours Padma Sri in 2001 and Padma Bhushan in 2014. He has recently brought out a monograph in collaboration with renowned Mridangam Artiste, Dr Umayalpuram K Sivaraman titled “Musical Excellence of Mridangam” published by Academic Foundation. Dr Ramasami is presently teaching and motivating young Bachelors and Masters Students of Leather Technology.